Players will not be fully registered until payment is received!
Registration fees cover costs for jerseys, gym rentals, insurance, referees, etc.
*1st/2nd Grade Saturday Skills Sessions - $60
*3rd/4th In-House Rec League - $100
*5th/6th In-House Rec League - $100
**5th/6th Grade Travel - $150
(If a child does not make travel, a $50 credit will be returned and the child will be registered for the rec league)
1. Venmo - @LampeterStrasburg-YouthBasketb (code 7368 should be used if needed)
(Make sure your child's name and league are listed in "what is this for?" when submitting payment)
2. Check made payable to: “LS Youth Basketball"
Mail/Deliver to:
LS Youth Basketball
c/o Megan Carson—LS Youth Basketball Vice-President
8 Heatherfield Drive, Willow Street, PA 17584
3. Cash - delivered to Fulton Bank in Willow Street. Please ask to deposit to our account, Lampeter Strasburg Youth Basketball Association